The Job I’ll Never Quit

The Job I’ll Never Quit

Lately, I catch myself pausing to sneak glimpses of him.

As if maybe I could soak him up enough to make letting go next fall a little easier.

This good-natured, introspective son of mine—sandwiched between his two sisters—turns eighteen at the end of the month.

I can’t get used to how much older he’s starting to look, especially the past few months. His hair has grown out since his senior pictures were taken in the fall. I love how it now wings out a little on the sides when he wears a hat.

I couldn’t be more proud of this guy. He works hard and moves through life with integrity. And like every teenager in this country has been called to do, he has risen to the challenge during these exceedingly weird, uncertain, pandemicky times that will forever mark his final bow to the K-12 years.

I’m so truly excited about the countless and wonderful possibilities ahead for him. But I thought the count-down to his high school graduation would be emotionally easier on me than when I tumbled through it with his older sister two years ago. One would think by round two, I’d be a little more tough-skinned.

Sure, I may have gained some basic footwork and defense. But overall, I feel like a novice in a boxing ring getting jabbed and uppercut by mixed emotions all over again.

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Gliding Back to the Light

Gliding Back to the Light

During my elementary school years, our family lived in a red brick house on a small lake.

As soon as that lake would freeze over, my slew of siblings and I’d bundle up and go shovel away the weighted or fluffy layers of snow to create a large rink. Then we’d skate ’til our fingers and toes went numb!

I particularly loved going out there in the evenings after dinner. With a comforting beauty etched in time, the light of the moon and the stars, along with the glow of living room lamps shining through our big window, guided our path.

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Little Triumphant Victories

Little Triumphant Victories

Hi. It’s been a while. How have you been?

Me? Oh, I don’t know. It’s kinda hard to say.

As the months have dragged on during this global pandemic with all of our lives flipped upside down in various degrees, my answer to that often generically asked question has felt a bit of reach. It’s as if, at some point, my ability to discern how I’m truly doing in the midst of this surreal reality fled deep into the woods, down a hill, and across a hazy ravine.

And I don’t feel like chasing it.

I don’t feel like writing about it either. Not today anyway.

Today I’d much prefer to write about this season’s fragrances of the earth, colors of scarlet and gold, whispering rustles of leaves, pumpkins growing fat and large, Sweet Tango apples dipped in caramel sauce, crockpots bubbling with hearty homemade stew, and my 9th grader’s virtual back-to-school scavenger hunt!

Let’s start with the virtual back-to-school scavenger hunt. But first I’ll give a quick rundown on what back to school currently looks like in our household.

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A Time for Tilting Toward the Sun

A Time for Tilting Toward the Sun

Well, so, here we are. That time of year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and those of us in the northern hemisphere begin tilting toward the sun.

Thanks to some super smart, left-brained people, we know the Vernal Equinox will occur this year on March 19. And also thanks to those people, we know this is the earliest occurrence in 124 years.

Typically, in the days and weeks following this official launch into spring, the general population is filled with extra endorphins from the warm sun shining upon our faces. Then we pour out into streets and festivals and restaurants and theatres and campuses smiling, laughing, hugging, kissing, throwing frisbees, and maybe even playing guitar with the thrill of new beginnings in the air.

But we all know nothing is typical right now.

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I Don’t Need a Million Dollars

I Don’t Need a Million Dollars

“It’s 8:15 on a Sunday morning. I’m still in bed feeling groggy. Most days, I’m downstairs at my little wooden desk, drinking coffee, reflecting, writing, grounding myself for the day by 6 a.m. But ever since the craziness of the holidays, my inner clock and energy levels have been a little wacky.

Ding! goes my phone sitting on the nightstand, alerting me of a new text.

Oscar, curled up at my feet licking the bedspread like it’s ham, looks up. His tail is wagging as if he knows the text is from his cuddle buddy—the other human who sometimes sleeps in this bed when not working overnight shifts in the ER. That would be Mike, my husband for nearly a quarter of a century.

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Moments of Slight Translucence (Since College Drop-off)

Moments of Slight Translucence (Since College Drop-off)

Heat pours into my face as I open the oven door. With a mitt on my right hand, I reach in and push the tip of a sharp knife halfway into the thickest part of the salmon.

I’m a mediocre cook at best, but I know the center of a perfectly baked salmon should have a look of slight translucence. As though a glimmer of light is trying to shine through it.

“Just a couple more minutes,” I say to myself. I close the oven door, lean against the counter, take a sip of Merlot, glance out the window, and get lost in thoughts.

The Salmon! I turn to open the oven back up, pull the pan out, and plunk it down on the stovetop. Argh. Nothing glimmering about this orange, flaky lump.

I love salmon. But I never seem to get it quite right.

I feel the tears begin to build. Again. I know they’re not really about the salmon, though.

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Holy Laughter

Holy Laughter

There are many life tools I don’t possess. Like the left-brained aptitude to remember the quadratic formula. Or the wrist coordination to throw a dart in a straight line. But what I do have in my belt is a deep appreciation for silly humor and a big laugh.

In other words, it doesn’t take much to send me into a hearty cackle that sounds like a hen after it lays an egg.

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The Calm, Happy Leaf

The Calm, Happy Leaf

“Look at that leaf! It’s the first one to change on our whole street!” my then middle school daughter proclaimed proudly from the passenger seat.

Absorbed in my own thoughts, I pulled up into the driveway and shifted into park. She was stretching her neck to look out the window at the tall ash tree next to our garage.

We grabbed our bags and got out of the car. Then I looked up, too. Sure enough, way at the tippy top, tucked amid a mass of green, was a single scarlet gold leaf fluttering in the gentle Autumn breeze.

Feeling a little run down lately, it felt good to take pause and connect with nature. Glancing upward with the sun and blue sky warming my face, my first thought gazing at the leaf was: It looks so calm and happy.  

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The Heart of a Mom’s Summer Chore Charts

The Heart of a Mom’s Summer Chore Charts

Just now, I returned from floating on a silver raft.

Not far from a quaint wooden dock.

I was stretched out on my stomach in my skirted swimsuit with the side of my face pressed against the hot plastic.

The lake, clean enough to drink, was perfect as glass. I scooped up a few handfuls and watched it drip through my fingertips into widening ripples.

As the waves of a distant boat rocked gently beneath me and lapped against the shore, I dozed in and out of a peaceful bliss . . . alone with the big blue sky and happy birds.

But then the doggone clothes dryer buzzer went off.

Poof! Daydream over.

Sigh. Back to the task at hand—making summer chore charts for my two teens and a tween.

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When It Feels Like the Earth Is Falling

When It Feels Like the Earth Is Falling

There’s something about the middle of the night that can really rile up my thoughts.

It’s 3 a.m. My mind is working overtime. I can’t fall back to sleep.

When this happens, I’ll often grab my pillow, then go and sprawl out on the living room couch to see if a new location will help. When that doesn’t work, I come here to my little wooden desk, turn on the white lamp, and write.

Typically, I love this time of year. In a few weeks, I’ll be taking cranberry colored walks and family drives on tree-lined roads. Sampling apples and local honey. Wearing slippers and flannels. Smelling tailgate chili in the crock-pot.

But on this shadowy night, I’m feeling more gravity than release.

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Female Brains and Fireworks

Female Brains and Fireworks

For centuries, scientists have tried to map the female brain. While its exterior shape may be slightly smaller than its male counterpart, its inner circuitry is vast, complex, and spectacular.

It’s also wired for worry.

Take my midlife mom brain for example:

If you don’t know me well, you might think I’m quiet and reserved.

But if someone were to remove the lid to my egghead, with let’s say a can opener, you’d probably have to run for cover from the slew of to-dos, logistics, longings, concerns, and unresolved dilemmas that would surely burst out of my cortex and jello-y wrinkled lobes like a deafening pyrotechnic display.

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The Gift for Flight

The Gift for Flight

I’m so incredibly honored to have a story published on Grown and Flown today, a wonderful and wise resource where parenting never ends.

The title is “The Gift I Need To Give My Children So Their Wings Are Real.” It’s about the grueling endeavor of seeing our kids struggle or turn corners and the shiny parenting nugget I picked up while wondering in a pit of panic recently that is helping me pause before always rushing in.

Here’s a sneak preview:

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Life is Like a Crate of Oranges

Life is Like a Crate of Oranges

Oranges are rich, succulent, and dripping with nutrients.

They’re also symbolic of the day Great Grandpa Conrad and his Chrysler Coupe crashed into a concrete wall.

According to my mom, Conrad was a tall, quiet man of thin frame and generous spirit who took his kids fishing and complimented his wife on her cooking on a regular basis. His family was his pride and joy. And so was his shiny blue car.

One day, feeling a little restless as a retired railroad agent in need of an adventure, Conrad packed a small suitcase.

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Hello Deer with the Broken Ear

Hello Deer with the Broken Ear

Empty water bottles and overdue library books roll backward, then forward on the floor of the passenger seat as I pull up to my parents’ eclectic, dated abode and shift into park.

After grabbing my stuff from the back seat, I climb out of my SUV that has duct tape holding together the side view mirror. There on the other side of the car, as always, perched next to the big tree that shades their driveway, is the little ceramic deer with an old bandage wrapped around one of its shoddy ears.

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Widening Ripples

Widening Ripples

I have a scar on my left foot. It’s about an inch wide, two inches long, and looks like a fat minnow without fins.

The scar is a rippling reminder of a late summer day, nearly four decades ago, when I asked my big brother to give me a buck on the back of his bike to a friend’s house about a mile down our rural road.

He was happy to taxi me and my long pigtails flying in the wind to the desired destination. Somehow, though, as we were riding along, sun splashing in our faces, my foot got caught in the spokes of the back wheel causing the bike to jolt us off and twist my foot like a pretzel.

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If I Were a Tree

If I Were a Tree

I’ll never be a tree, of course. But if I were one, I’ve been thinking lately I’d want to be a Poplar.

There’s such beauty and poise in her pointedness that directs our eyes to the sky and God’s miracles. But her true beauty is mostly unseen in her fortitude even in the most unforgiving conditions and in her roots that unfold and extend beneath the soil like a motherly octopus.

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Roll Call

Roll Call

I’ll never forget roll call on that first day of 9th grade English class.

Immediately after my balding, bearded, charismatic teacher in rounded spectacles—whom I’ll refer to as Mr. G—read my name from the roster, and I meekly said, “here,” he looked up at me, walked toward my desk located five rows back along the wall, and announced, “Class, I’d like you all to meet the younger sister of one of my favorite students.”

Yep, that was my debut into English class that first year of high school.

Mr. G was one of those teachers you wanted to please. His big, Carpe Diem personality towered over his petite physical stature. If he saw something special in you, a kernel of greatness—well, that was really something.

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After the Snowflakes Settle

After the Snowflakes Settle

Some of our children’s memories will sparkle and glisten while others fade. I like to imagine the sparkling ones as scenes in a snow globe that come into clear view after it’s shaken and the snowflakes settle.

This morning, a scene of me as a young girl in long pigtails sitting on the front doorstep of a red brick house playing jacks appeared. As long as I had my little cloth pouch with ten six-pronged jacks and a rubber bouncy ball in my pocket, I never had reason to be bored.

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The Magical Mirror

The Magical Mirror

When I look in the mirror today, I see a woman’s face crossing over into midlife. The changes in the delicate skin around and within the arcs beneath her eyes are a little unnerving.

In my mind, I’m not quite there yet. I want to tilt the mirror to a different angle, modify the light, or wipe away the years with my sleeve like fog from a steamy shower.

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“Stay True” Little Chalky, Corn-syrupy Affirmations

“Stay True” Little Chalky, Corn-syrupy Affirmations

A lot of us are feeling the winter doldrums in full force right now.

Part of it is the cold weather and lack of sun.

Part of it, since I’m updating this post for 2017, is post-election anxiety.

And another part, for me anyway, a girl who made her debut into this crazy world during the stark of a Minnesota winter, is the realization I’m a year older again. If I stand on my tippy toes, I can peer into the other side of the half-century mark.

For the past few years, between my late January birthday and Valentine’s Day, my moods swing back and forth as though I’m in the front seat of Steel Venom, that U-shaped inverted roller coaster at Valleyfair my kids coaxed me into riding on a couple years ago.

All I can say when I feel this way is . . . thank goodness for conversation hearts.

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Hmmmmmm (a silly, little grammar lesson)

Hmmmmmm (a silly, little grammar lesson)

“Mommy, look, the sky is all blue and white,” my first-born says a decade ago while buckled in her booster seat in the back of the car on the way to preschool.

I glance in the rear-view mirror and see her stretching her neck to see more sky, the sun splashing on her little brunette bob haircut that frames her face like Dora the Explorer, her favorite back then.

“Yeah, those clouds sure are fluffy aren’t they? I wish I could have one as my pillow,” I say.

“Me, too,” she says.

“How do you think we might get one?” I ask.

“Hmmmmmm. I think I might need my stool,” she says.

“Hmmmmmm. I think so, too. I say.

Apparently the latest New Year’s trend is to choose a word of the year instead of resolutions that set us up for failure. So I’ve decided—in  honor of that inquisitive little moment of infinite possibilities lodged in my memories and recorded in my journal—that my word of the year is going to be Hmmmmmm.

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Up North and a Minnesota Goodbye

Up North and a Minnesota Goodbye

If you’re new to Minnesota or planning an extended visit, it’s helpful to know a little something about a place we locals call Up North.

Up North is a luscious land we go to boat, fish, hike, camp, buy a can of pop in the lodge of a ma and pa resort, enjoy sunsets from somebody else’s in-law’s cabin, and watch storm warnings scroll on the bottom of a TV screen while filling up on tater tots and tap beer at places named Last Turn Saloon or Pitstop—where you can still play Pac-Man for a quarter.

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Beauty in Humble Places

Beauty in Humble Places

On the first day of school in that one-room, country schoolhouse, most of the other kids raced to the bigger, newer, shinier desks.

But little Diane, the one with a gleam in her eye and potato in her lunch bucket, who would one day become my mother, slid knowingly into the smallest, most unassuming one of them all.

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