Debuting on Mamalode and Ten to Twenty Parenting

Writing the stories down is something I’ve always loved to do, but I’ve rarely shared my personal writing—until now. At midlife, I feel more brave and free to say, “what the heck, why not give it a try?” So, I launched this blog in the spring and recently worked up the nerve to submit a couple of my recent posts to online magazines to reach a larger audience. And guess what? They were both accepted and both published on the same day—today!

Black Chalkboard Background









View of Geminid meteor shower on December 14, 2012

Which Moments Will They Remember, a reflection about those times we ask ourselves “I wonder if my child will remember this?” is republished today on TEN TO TWENTY PARENTING, a fabulous and smart site dedicated to parents getting tackled by the hormones of their teens and tweens and asking themselves “Where did the years go?”

Flip flops on a Dock in front of a Turquoise Water Lake in the Wild Nature

Docked (originally titled here as Sittin’ At The Dock of The Bay), a story of fear, falls, and flipflops, is now live over on MAMALODE, a site with a deep appreciation for “the wonders of modern motherhood” and called “America’s BEST parenting magazine” by Lisa Stone, CEO of BlogHer.


It’s a big day for a newbie blogger like me. And I can’t thank Ten to Twenty Parenting and Mamalode enough for allowing a platform for us writers to share the stories swirling around in our brains. Check them out and support their writers with your comments and shares. Those mean the world to a writer opening our soul up for all to see.

Julie Jo Severson is mom to a teen, tween, and pretween and emerging freelance writer with two desks.  Click here to learn more about what’s inside this desk. Click here to view her other recent posts.

About Julie Jo Severson

Julie Jo Severson, former PR girl, is now a freelance writer, journalist, editor, and lost-and-found attendant for two teens and a tween. This is where she doodles about past, present, future clinking glasses and making peace.

7 comments on “Debuting on Mamalode and Ten to Twenty Parenting

  1. Congratulations and well done, great sites to be featured on. Reading this makes me feel inspired to take action, I’ve been thinking about submitting a guest post for far too long; I just need to do it! Maybe your success will motivate me today!!

    • Thanks Dana. You’re right. It is rather difficult to send my writing to other places. It’s kind of like sending my kids off to camp. A little unsettling. But then they come home and are all excited about the new connections they made and experiences they had:)

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