Grateful for Frozen Pizza and Other Things

A deep frozen pepperoni pizza on a wooden cutting board.

I recently discovered a group of writers who virtually link-up each weekend to share ten things for which they’re grateful.

From bacon, garlic chives, and coffee, to bamboo chimes, chirping birds, and phone insurance, there’s a lot of gratitude going on in that space. It’s refreshing.

I’m not one who takes the time to ooh and ahhh over sunrises and sunsets on a regular basis, but I’m trying to change a few patterns lately. So I’m joining those gracious people today.

Although my goal with this blog, Carvings On A Desk, is to keep me writing the stories down, I’ll probably sneak in a listicle, from time to time, as I’m doing today.

♦I’m grateful for someone asking “how are you?” and really caring about the answer.
♦I’m grateful for the orthopedic inserts in my shoes.
♦ I’m grateful for early morning solitude while the others still sleep soundly.
♦I’m grateful for people who love and forgive despite mistakes I’ve made.
♦I’m grateful for a husband who gives me the space and encouragement I need to rediscover parts of me that’ve been lost.
♦I’m grateful for the photo of the sunset my son sent me last night during a trip “Up North” with a buddy. sunset
♦I’m grateful for the smiles and laughs and feelings of inclusion I saw in the faces of my two daughters Saturday, as I drove them and friends home from a day of swimming and eating fried pickles and pasta at Old Chicago.
♦I’m grateful for those who live their lives with grace, courage, and humility, without posing or posturing.
♦I’m grateful for the warm sun on my face and wet sand and seaweed I felt briefly between my toes this week while wading into a small, Minnesota lake.
♦And last, but not at all least, I’m grateful for frozen pizza and the hundreds of nights-off it’s given me from figuring out what to feed my family for dinner, a task for which I’m not so grateful.

Julie Jo Severson is mom to a teen, tween, and pretween and emerging freelance writer with two desks.  Click here to learn more about what’s inside this desk. Click here to view her other recent posts.



About Julie Jo Severson

Julie Jo Severson, former PR girl, is now a freelance writer, journalist, editor, and lost-and-found attendant for two teens and a tween. This is where she doodles about past, present, future clinking glasses and making peace.

29 comments on “Grateful for Frozen Pizza and Other Things

  1. I do love frozen pizza for those nights where I just can’t deal with thinking about what to cook! Like you I enjoy my morning solitude, enough to stay up after sending my boys off to their jobs even if I could sleep for another couple of hours.

  2. Welcome to the TToT! We always enjoy having new people join in. It makes the weekend so much brighter to read about the positive things going on all over the world.

    I, too, appreciate early morning solitude. It rarely lasts long, as my 5 year old has a way of sensing my awakeness, but I will be happy with whatever time I get.

    We haven’t seen much sun lately, and we certainly don’t have sand and seaweed. I get a wee bit jealous of you folks who get to see the beach frequently.

    The great thing about these thankful lists is they include such a wide variety of things. From the deep, like people living their lives with grace and humility, to the practical, like shoe inserts. Awesome all the way around.

  3. Christine, thanks for stopping by. Your five year old “sensing your awakeness.” That’s a kind, poetic way of putting it:) Loved that. And yes, I was quite taken with the variety throughout the posts I read, too.

  4. Howdy, Julie Jo (Or are you just Julie? Or JJ? Now I’m rambling. There may have been wine earlier). I really like that you’ve found our little community and jumped right in with such a lovely list. I think my favourite is that you got to feel sand and seaweed under your feet, and I hope that there was a salt tang in the air and a horizon miles off, and sunshine sparkling off the tips of the waves.

    I’m happy you’re here 🙂

    • Well, it was in a small Minnesota lake, so no salt tang or horizon miles off. But there were a few waves every time a boat sped by and yes, the sunshine was sparkling. There was even a woman swimming while holding her newborn. Oy. I’m Julie to most people, but Julie Jo or Jo Jo sometimes to family members. I love adding my middle name Jo–for some reason it keeps me closer to my roots, even though I now have a different surname.

  5. Welcome to the TToT! As you have discovered, thankfuls come in all shapes and sizes in this group.
    I’m so thankful for frozen pizza when I have a college boy around that I buy it at Sam’s Club and keep it in the deep freeze!
    Apparently, I’m the only one in our house who can sit in a room and read or write WITHOUT THE TV TURNED ON. Every time I slip away from all of them to do those things (and do them without background noise) someone finds me, plops down in a chair, pops on the tv (or YouTube or Vines or any other number of things). Someday, the kids will be gone and the house will be too quiet, I tell myself…

    • Yeah, I’m ready to throw the TV out the window. But my husband would really miss his Castle reruns. I often think about that day when they’ll all be gone and on their own, too, and how quiet it will be. It mostly makes me want to go give them a big smooch.

  6. Frozen pizza…let’s talk about Elio’s pizza. Know it? Childhood memories there…good ones.
    Welcome to the TToT – we love new people! And old people. All people! TheTToT is a wonderful thing and the people are some of the best I know. The things you’ll see, as you mentioned, run the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous, but all are worthy of note. I hope you’ll find the hop as wonderful as I have.
    I love your item about lives of grace and humility – definitely.

  7. Welcome to TToT. I have been doing this for about a month now and I love it. I am sure you will to, judging by this list. I like the range of things on it.
    Frozen pizza is such a comfort food, for so many, from the looks of the comments.
    I don’t have an ocean nearby either, but I do have the Great Lakes.
    Who doesn’t enjoy a nice day at the beach?
    Hope to see you return here for TToT in the weeks to come because it really does help to write down what there is to be thankful for.
    Have a great week ahead.

  8. Welcome, welcome, welcome! Are you from Minnesota or were you just visiting there? I ask to see if I have found another Midwesterner! Dyanne is from Missouri, and I am from Kansas. So, the Midwest perspective is present here. So glad you joined us.

  9. I’m so glad you joined the TToT, Julie! How thoughtful that your son sent you a photo of the sunset. I love that – that he did so says a lot. I love frozen pizza (and funny – we had it last night!). Also I really related to this one that you posted: “I’m grateful for those who live their lives with grace, courage, and humility, without posing or posturing.” Here’s to them. Truly. xo

  10. Early morning solitude with a cup of coffee. I love the quiet time, too. And frozen pizza is da bomb diggity and our current favorite brand is Screaming Sicilian. I truly appreciate your number 8: ♦I’m grateful for those who live their lives with grace, courage, and humility, without posing or posturing. <—True story! I hope this week is filled with thankfuls for you!

  11. These are some great thankfuls – and that sunset picture is stunning! Welcome to TToT, Julie, and may your weeks ahead be bursting with things to feel gratitude for!

  12. Oh, my, am I ever grateful for frozen pizza! I really enjoyed reading through your list. There are so many little and simple things to be grateful for each day. I especially love the first thing on your list. It’s always comforting to talk to someone who really wants to know how things are going.

    Thanks for reading my post on Mamalode and introducing yourself. I’m always happy to find other local bloggers 🙂

  13. I applaud you for joining Ten Things of Thankful. Been wanting to and somehow haven’t made the time. I shall take your advice to heart and dish up more frozen pizza. That’ll free up some time and spur me on, surely. Seriously though – i loved your list. My fave? The reference to those who live their lives without posing or posturing. YES to more of them.

  14. Oooh! I LOVE that you joined Lizzi’s link up!! I do that too, from time to time! Your thankful list is beautiful. From the Grace to the frozen pizzas… My two faves… But I’m with you on all of them!! And the sunset… that glorious sunset. That one you simply must ooh and aah over! 🙂

    • Thanks Christine! I know, that sunset is dreamy. I’m so glad I found Lizzi’s link up, too and that maybe I’ll see you there from time to time. Your comment on my Sittin’ On The Dock Of The Bay post by the way left me speechless and nearly in tears. Thank you more than words can say.

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